Monday, December 1, 2008

Holidays coming!

It seems that I "dropped the blog" during the last 7 weeks and am way behind in Vermont's 23 things. Is anybody else? I wanted to post again before I completely forgot how to do it.
I was very pleased that I was able to turn a photograph into a watercolor picture that has become my holiday greeting card this year! If you want to try it, go to Staples with your picture and card stock, and they will do it for $.49 a card. I bought enveloped there also. I'm actually excited about sending out Christmas cards this year. Now I've got to write them.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Vermont's 23 Things

This is a place to begin. I just watched the video that talks about the habits of successful people. My most difficult habit to keep up is the very first one. I can make small goals all right, but making big goals about what I want to do with the rest of my life is something I have been thinking about for two years. And still no answer. I love to travel and hope that by seeing the world I will be able to find my next "big thing", but so far nothing. My goal is to learn how to make a PowerPoint presentation for others to see about my trip to Thailand.
One thing I remember from my line dancing teacher is, "Everyone here was a beginner at one point." I will try to keep that in mind with my own goal.